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Jianhui is a 4th year in EECS major in UC Berkeley. He is interested in the field of software engineering, machine learning, robotics and systems. He had intern in a AI-driven senior healthcare company as a  software engineer and is currently researching in the serverless file system project in the RISELab at UC Berkeley.


He mainly focus on the integration, computer vision, website design and testing of the project.

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Eddi is a 4th year CS & IEOR undergraduate. His main focus is in the field of data science, machines learning, modeling and optimization.


He mainly focus on the computer vision and testing of the project.



Zhi is a 3rd year undergraduate in EECS major. He is interested in both machine learning and robotics area. He has researched in deep learning project which used machine learning method to make domain adaptation from artificial data to real-world data.


He mainly focus on the gomoku AI desing, cheating detection system, website design and testing of the project.



Gary is a 3rd year undergraduate in CS and Applied Math Major. He is interested in Robotics, Data science and AI/ML and will intern in Microsoft in 2019. Gary brainstormed the general idea of building a marker and eraser for the robot. He coded for the motion part of the Baxter robot arms.


He mainly focus on the robot motion, drawing, erasing and testing of the project.

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